Work 1:1 with Me

Let me help you build your community, drive revenue or host a transformational experience for your people.

Play with purpose and build your community.

Build your community

Just getting started? Let's find your people and learn what they need together.

Every community journey is unique and where you engaged with people last year might be different than where they currently spend their attention. I can help provide the guidance you need to find and engage with your people in a meaningful way. Let's work together to grow your community one human at a time.

Book Your 1:1 Community Strategy Call
Thinking about hiring a sales rep or building traction as a founder?

Accelerate revenue

Are you a founder looking for to hire your first salesperson or trying to achieve traction? Let me help you figure it out.

My consulting, and advising, and coaching students have produced $1M in additional revenue in their business in the past 2 years. We'll deconstruct your current revenue process; help you improve conversions and 10x your impactful output through a mix of 1:1 execution sessions and real-time coaching.

Book Your 1:1 Revenue Strategy Call
Making a career jump isn't easy, but it should be a smooth landing if you do it right.

career transition

Are you thinking about taking a jump or feel like you're currently undervalued? Let me help you figure it out.

My career coaching students have gotten $87k raises, promotions within the first 6 months, and typically landed interviews within the first 7 days of implementing their personalized transition plan. We'll make a path just for you to help discover your behaviors, skills, interests, and vision for your next career move through a mix of community career sessions and real-time coaching.

Book Your 1:1 career Strategy Call
Meetup Community Hike August 2018 - Runyon Canyon Park - 2000 N Fuller Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046

hire travis to speak

Looking for a host or keynote speaker to energize your people?

I've worked in Unicorn venture-backed technology startups, I've transitioned careers a miraculous 12+ times before the age of thirty, was the first person in my family to graduate from college and have dedicated my career to sharing my story so that the next generation of leaders can learn from my mistakes and build more impactful professional lives that help develop their full potentials.

Book Your 1:1 career Strategy Call